RichReach (Rich Reach)




eShop:• Be informed about the Products, Services, Offers and Discounts of many stores, firms, professionals and other sellers (currently in Cyprus only). • Buy Products and Services.• Opt In to Businesses.• Rich information about every item and Business• Using the RichReach App is FREE.Business Loyalty Schemes:• View your Loyalty Points Statements.• View the tickets of your purchases.• Available for Business Loyalty Schemes you have joined.eOrdering (for authorized corporate users only)• A sales person can create and place a new order using a selection of different views and a selection of a number of different criteria for the items to be ordered.• A customer is able to view in real time the order created by the sales person and at the same time modify/confirm the order to the sales person.• The order appears automatically at the RichReach dashboard portal of the relevant warehouse/store which will proceed to execute the order.• This function is enriched with a number of search/selection/filter criteria according to the various features currently implemented.Notes:• The RichReach Application is currently available only for mobile devices with a Cyprus SIM card.• Internet Access is Required during the use of some RichReach services (e.g. eOffers and Loyalty). Please be cautious and aware about the mobile data charges when you connect to the internet through your GSM connection.